Iron Bones is a 3D action platformer. Link to Game Design Document.

You are a lost skeleton, fighting through dungeons of monsters infected with shadow-like, rotting evil. 

Forge iron weapons of your own blood and bone,  and balancing surviving and fighting in this short prototypical game for the 15th Pirate Software Game Jam.


Attack / Create WeaponsMouse 1
Shoot ProjectileMouse 2
Pause GameEscape

All programming, art, sound, and music produced by me. Programmed in Godot 3.

This was my first 3D game so any criticism is welcome. :)


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This game feels like a modern loveletter to old skool boomer shooters!

Let me just get a few of the annoying things out of the way first. The game randomly seemed to lag sometimes and freeze for like half a second to a second. It wasn't a major issue but it was pretty jarring. There were also random holes in some walls as if the textures were missing in some places.

With that out of the way what a fun game to play. The mechanics are a little confusing at first and I'm not really sure what is healing me, is standing over their blood doing it as well as killing them? I have no clue I didn't stop long enough to figure it out.

Moving through the levels feels really fun and very old school as I said previously the combat although pretty basic on the enemy side is still really fun. The audio is simple but fits well.

The environments could have used a bit more variety in the textures but given the overall retro feel of the game it wasn't that weird. There was a point in level 1 where I accidentally back tracked in the level and got to a dead end which I thought was weird. Then I realised there must have been 2 paths INTO my location and I just went the wrong way.

Different weapons were fun, the gauntlet is really interesting with the movement mechanics I feel like if the game was further developed you could do some interesting skips and speedrun stats with those being able to basically fly around after you swing them.

Oh also the little boss arena was cool too I just wish the game was a little more challenging but I still had a ton of fun with it overall!

Very nice atmosphere. I could see this expanded into a longer game.

I had a lot of fun playing this, what can I say, I love FP action platformers. Unfortunately I had some frame drops which made some of the jumps difficult. I like how the jump input is buffered and I'd consider adding coyote time as well

Hey, nice work! I love the concept of balancing health with creating your weapons--I think there's a LOT of potential puzzles you can make with that idea alone! I also love the music and sound design--swinging the weapons feels really satisfying from that alone. I noticed a couple holes in the geometry and a small lag spike when projectiles fly--I think this is something worth planning for, especially with a web-based game. Best of luck!

Thank you for playing! :D